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Stem cells – “An unspecialized cell characterized by the ability to self-renew by mitosis while in undifferentiated state, and the capacity to give rise to various differentiated cell types by cell differentiation.”


Embryo – “Baby in the early developmental stage”


Autopsy – “a surgical procedure, postmortem, which involves the examination of body tissues”​


Tumors – “An abnormal mass of tissue that results from excessive cell division that is uncontrolled and progressive, also called a neoplasm.”


Blastocyst – “in mammalian development, cleavage produces a thin walled hollow sphere, whose wall is the trophoblast, with the embryo proper being represented by a mass of cells at one side. The blastocyst is formed before implantation”.


Pluripotent – “Pertaining to the ability of a cell to differentiate into many cell types.”


Undifferentiated – “Of, or describing a cell that has not yet acquired a special structure and function; pertaining to an immature cell or a primitive cell.”


DNA – (deoxyribonucleic acid) “A double-stranded nucleic acid that contains the genetic information for cell growth, division, and function.”


Culture medium – “a substance, either solid or liquid, used for the cultivation, isolation, identification, or storage of microorganisms.”


Feeder layers – “in order to culture some cells, particularly at low or clonal density, it is necessary to use a layer of less fastidious cells to condition the medium.”


Viruses – “The prime directive of all organisms is to reproduce and survive, which is also the case for viruses, which in most cases are considered a nuisance to humans.”


Macromolecules – “A large complex molecule, such as nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids, with relatively large molecular weight.”


Subculturing – Continuously growing cells in a lab, also known as a cell line.


Somatic stem cells – “The word “somatic” is derived from the Greek word soma, meaning “body”. Hence, all body cells of an organism – apart from the sperm and egg cells, the cells from which they arise (gametocytes) and undifferentiated stem cells – are somatic cells.”


Immune rejection – “The human body attacks cells that come from non-self sources, and since most stem cell treatments come from non-self sources this could cause problems. Both adult and embryonic stem cells could differentiate into a cancerous form.”


Peripheral – “Pertaining to or situated at or near the periphery, situated away from a centre or central structure.”

Important Terms to Understand 

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